Wolseley's Life

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

Today is Mother's Day. In doggie life, I have been blessed with two mothers, although I haven't seen my real mother is more than a year. I would like to think that she thinks of me from time to time, but I an not too sure. Instead, I try to celebrate in honour of my adopted mother, Mommy.

I know that Mommy had a pretty good day because the family allowed her to sleep in and that is one of her favourite things to do. Well, 'sleep in' might not be the right term -'lie in' may be a better description. I wandered into the bedroom from time to time this morning, even crawling in for a cuddle a few times, but there always seemed to be a child or two there as well. In fact, I think two of the children slept there all night. With the Daddy, Mommy, two children and myself, it was a pretty crowded night. Not that my spot was interupted - I lay right in the centre of the bed and the children just seemed to curl around me. It was the Mommy and Daddy that seemed to be clinging to the edge of the bed all night.

The human children brought up pancakes for Mommy to eat. They weren't bad -not that I am too picky. Mommy is always 'watching her weight' so there was more than enough for me to have my fill. I am particularly fond of sweet things so it was a pretty good score. Even better than the belly beans that fell on the floor the other day. YUMMY -Delish!

The rest of the day was pretty more par for the norm. I chased a few flies, a couple of lady bugs and an imaginary foe in the front yard. Got out of the backyard a few times and went over and visited Lacey and Buddy next door each time. They are two blonde labs that live next door. I think Lacey likes me, but alas....I am fixed so nothing can come from this admiration.
Ate some ham that dropped on the floor at dinner and I am know lying under Mommy's desk and chewing my bone. A pretty satisfying day, if I do say so myself. The only down side is that Mommy has been sad all day, even though everyone went to such great lengths to make a good day for her. Just between me and you, it seems that Mother's Day is a day for bad memories for her. Her own mother left her when she was little and her father married another lady who didn't like her very much. So, she was forced to go through the ruse of wishing Happy Mothers Day to two women who don't deserve it, and the woman who really did act as her mother (her grandmother, now deceased) was the cause of some teasing when she was growing up. I understand that when Mommy was little and when Mother's Day came around, all the children in the class would make plastic flowers for their mothers. My mommy didn't have a mommy, only a grandmother and all the other children teased her over this. "YOUR grandmother isn't your mother," is what she remembers hearing on those days. So...I guess this makes her sad at times. But I will try to do what I can to help to get her though the day.... that is, if I can keep chewing this bone at the same time.
Woof for now,

Friday, May 11, 2007

Wow..talk about being a lazy doggy

UNbelievable! I haven't posted a thing for 2 years? I know us labs are famous for being lazy, but this is ridiculous. I am afraid I have failed the family badly! But wait? I wasn't alive two years ago. This blog must have been started by my uncle, Wolseley II. The poor Johnston children woke up one morning to find Uncle Wolseley dead on the bathroom floor. He was only 3 years old (21 in doggie years) and had died of an aneurysm. Terrible tragedy for the family. Now, he sits in a black jar on the mantle piece. But they got lucky. My mom, Dove, was Wolseley II's sister and I was 8 weeks old at the time of my uncle's death. So I was available to go home with the Johnston family. So I have been living here with them in Winnipeg for over a year now. It's a crazy household, full of kids and toys and all the neighbourhood children, but for a lab like me, it is heaven. The big news in the household is that we are moving in a month to Ontario! Pretty scary times -and I must admit to being a little bit nervous that I might be left behind. Mommy Johnston promises me that they would never consider such a thing, but until I am on that plane, I don't think will relax. I don't even like when they go our for an hour without me. I pace around the house and sit by the window waiting for their return. I have the kids bus schedule down to a 'tee'. They all come home at 1612 and it is not the first bus, nor the second bus but the third bus. I sit by the window and watch as the first two go by but I am always at the door for that third bus. Then the kids bust in and it is happy times again!

The family promises me that I will love this new house because it is really big and it is located on a lake! Since I love to swim, I can't think of a better place to live. There is lots of property for me to run on as well, so I should have a grand time chasing all the squirrels, rabbits and ground hogs that are holed up all over the property.

Anyways.....*yawn*, it is time for me to take another nap before the kids get home. I will tell you more about the family later when I don't feel so.....tiredddddddddd..........................

Woof. woof. Woof.



Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Wolseley's Life

Woof: I'm Wolseley and I live in the very busy J household. My owner is a writer who is on her computer a lot so I thought I would try to keep up with her and put some thoughts on this here log.

Let's see if this works or not.